Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blood Makes Zionist Grass Grow

Sneh: Haneyya is an assassination target for Israel

"NAZARETH, (PIC)-- Ephraim Sneh, the Israeli deputy war minister, has clearly threatened to assassinate PA premier Ismael Haneyya if Palestinian retaliation to IOF aggressions continued.

In an interview with the Hebrew radio Tuesday, Sneh affirmed, “PA premier Ismael Haneyya could be killed by the IOF troops in the framework of the Israeli retaliation to Palestinian missile attacks by Hamas”.

When asked on whether or not Haneyya was placed on Israel’s hit-list, Sneh retorted, “I'll put it like this, there is no one who is in the circle of commanders and leaders in Hamas who is immune from a strike”.

He also charged that Hamas’ political leadership was approving retaliatory attacks on Israeli settlements.

Earlier, Avi Dichter, the Israeli internal security minister, threatened to assassinate Hamas’ supreme political leader Khaled Mishaal that comes in the frame of Israeli calls to dismantle Hamas’ infrastructure.

“Mishaal isn’t immune of Israeli strikes and we will get him in the first available chance” said Dichter.

Hamas’ political leader had repeatedly affirmed that they aren’t afraid of being killed as they know that they are dying for the cause of a noble and just issue that is the Palestinian issue."

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