Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Breaking News......

Al-jazeera is quoting the Pentagon as saying that 10 U.S. helicopters were destroyed or damaged in a mortar attack by the resistance on a U.S. occupation base north of Baghdad.....

More details when available.

Helicopters hit by mortar rounds at U.S. base in Iraq, police say

"HAMID AHMED, Associated Press Writer

May 17, 2007 7:08 AM

BAGHDAD (AP) - Mortar rounds hit a U.S. Air Force base north of Baghdad on Thursday, destroying one helicopter and damaging nine others, police said.

The attack at Taji, a major Air Force on the northern outskirts of Baghdad, occurred about 2 a.m., the police said.

''There was an indirect fire attack on the base at Taji which resulted in damage to some aircraft,'' the military said. Indirect fire is a term the military generally uses to describe rocket or mortar attacks.

The attack destroyed one helicopter and damaged nine others, the police said.

An Iraqi civilian who works at the base said he saw about 16 damaged helicopters, some of them set on fire by the attack. The worker spoke on condition of anonymity, because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Many U.S. Black Hawk helicopters are based at Taji, including some equipped with medical equipment and manned by medics to rescue wounded U.S. and Iraqi soldiers in the Baghdad area.

Sunni insurgents have long been active in the area around Taji."

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