Monday, May 7, 2007

Can Sarkozy Uphold the Values of 1789?

By Juan Cole

"Rightwing nationalist Nicolas Sarkozy, is the next president of France. He campaigned on an anti-immigrant platform that veered uncomfortably close to that of Jean-Marie LePen, though he did make a provision for affirmative action. Sarkozy will try to break the unions, and his view of the immigrants who rioted in 2005 over joblessness as "scum" bodes ill for social peace. An Arab blogger's view of Sarkozy's police tactics is eye-opening.

Sarkozy's message, that he wants to restore pride in Frenchness, wants to promote free market reforms, and worries that France has lost control of its borders all sounds Reaganesque. Just as Reaganism was a form of American ("white") nationalism, so Sarkozyism is a form of French nationalism. And just as Reagan's nationalism had a class location in the upper middle classes and the rich, so too does Sarkozy's "French" nationalism......

Sarkozy's French nationalism (he uses the French equivalent of "France: Love it or leave it!"-- a sentiment pioneered by LePen) will clash with the realities of French multiculturalism. France's Muslims are estimated at anywhere from 4 million on up, but I favor the 4 million figure (the population of metropolitan France is about 60 million, so this is 6.6 percent)......

Sarkozy intends to create an Orwellian "Ministry of Immigration and National Identity." He rubbed the practicing Muslims the wrong way when he came out in favor of the Danish caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, and he supported banning the headscarf for Muslim school girls......

In his acceptance speech, Sarkozy said he would try to be president of all the French. I hope he meant to include the workers and immigrants. If not, his tenure could be turbulent."

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