Friday, May 18, 2007

The Clown King of Jordan proposes a United Kingdom of Jordan and Palestine to solve the Palestinian question

A Very Serious and Ominous Development

"Bethlehem - Ma'an - King Abdullah II of Jordan has drawn up a new initiative to solve the Palestinian question based on the historic confederation of Jordan and Palestine.

The Israeli daily Maariv claimed on Friday that King Abdullah's initiative calls for the establishment of a united Hashemite-Palestinian kingdom with the king presiding over the two states.

According to the king's envoys, such as Abdul Salam Al-Majali and others, who were sent to Israel to speak on behalf of King Abdullah II last week, the Palestinian-Jordanian United Kingdom would comprise of two independent sovereign states. Under the king would be a prime minister, a chair of the Palestinian state and another of the Jordanian state.

Maariv did not exclude the possibility that the initiative could be a test aimed at reviving the paralyzed peace process and at diverting the concern in Jordan over a possible US withdrawal from Iraq soon. The newspaper said it expects the Jordanian king to find himself stuck between Islamic chaos in Iraq, Palestinian crowds in Jordan and internal chaos in the Palestinian territories.

Maariv also quoted the Jordanian envoys to Israel as saying to the Israeli officials: "You claim that there is nobody to talk to on the Palestinian side, and there is nothing tangible to discuss. Why don't you talk with us, the Jordanians, with participation of representatives of the Palestinian president? Let us talk about a confederation under the king of Jordan."

The Israeli newspaper pointed out that several obstacles face the Jordanian initiative, such as the stipulation that it should be implemented after securing complete Israeli approval of the Arab peace initiative, in addition to Israeli suspicions regarding Jordan's intentions. "


We reported on this story last week, and despite Jordanian denials, the story is correct. It is another part of the U.S. plan to keep the Palestinians under heel and under custody of its most reliable stooge in the area, the Clown King. This is in preparation to force a "settlement" on the Palestinians drafted in Tel Aviv. It is back to the good old days, before the PLO, when Arab puppets always spoke for the Palestinians who were kept in chains and out of sight. It is back to the future!

This will also facilitate the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by Israel by "transferring" them across the Jordan River. It is obviously in conformity with longstanding Israeli policy that the Palestinian state is in Jordan.

This is extremely serious and all Palestinians have to rise up against it before it is too late.

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