Thursday, May 31, 2007

Drawing conclusions

By Brian Whitaker
The Guardian

".......These praiseworthy efforts are devalued, though, by the political motives of Washington. Of all the crimes in the Middle East that deserve similar treatment, this one has been singled out because Syria - regarded by the US as a strong candidate for membership in the Axis of Evil - is widely thought to be behind it.

Almost a year after the Israel-Hizbullah war, there has been no comparable attempt to investigate crimes committed in Lebanon by Israel, despite the prima facie evidence of them - nor, indeed, crimes committed against Israeli civilians by Hizbullah.

Syria is not the only country meddling in Lebanon. The Americans, the Saudis and the Israelis are meddling, too. Israel's continuing breaches of UN resolutions regarding Lebanon were documented in the most recent UN report, though largely overlooked by the media.

Meanwhile Dan Halutz, the disgraced ex-head of the Israeli military - the man responsible for the largest number of bombings in Lebanon - recently travelled to the US without fear of arrest, to take a management course at Harvard Business School."

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