Saturday, May 5, 2007

An Example of the Pathetic, Muddled and Confused Line Hamas is Taking

Hamdan: PA leadership must work to stop IOF aggressions on Palestinians

"BEIRUT, (PIC)-- Hamas’ political leader and its representative in Lebanon Osama Hamdan has urged PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to work hard to stop the incessant IOF aggressions on the Palestinian civilians, affirming that Palestinian rockets fired on Israeli settlements were mere reactions to the IOF crimes.

He also affirmed that the difference of views between Abbas and Hamas regarding those retaliatory attacks doesn’t reach the level of political dispute, explaining that there is a national Palestinian stand sanctioning the defense of the Palestinian people against the IOF aggressions with all available means.

“It would be illogical to urge the Palestinian resistance to stop (firing home made rockets) amid a clear failure on the political track (to achieve anything tangible) as far as the Palestinian issue is concerned”, Hamdan underlined.

Commenting on the repeated calls on the Palestinian resistance to stop retaliating to the IOF atrocities against Palestinian civilians and to halt firing the locally made missiles on Israeli settlements, Hamdan charged that such calls harmonized with the USA and Israel's connivance to abort the resistance and to send the Palestinians into the marsh of civil war.[Yes Mr. Hamdan, but the stooge Abbas and his "national security adviser" and CIA asset Dahlan are already part of the Usraeli plan to crush the resistance and instigate a civil war. So, you are pleading with the enemy (Abbas); do you realize that??]

He also charged that the USA and Israel were very much interested in pushing the Palestinian people into the quagmire of internal infighting, as they have their agents inside the Palestinian community who play that role by proxy. [Your "president" Abbas is the chief agent and his forces are Israel's hire-a-cop, so why beat around the bush? When will Hamas be upfront and honest with the people? When will it admit its mistakes by entering politics and forming a partnership with known Usraeli agents? When (or if) will Hamas become a part of a national liberation movement instead of playing "government" that is nothing but a sick joke!]

Moreover, Hamdan urged Abbas to be aware of the USA-Israeli conspiracies against the Palestinian people, to speak of what the Palestinian people wish from him as a Palestinian leader, and not to compromise any of the Palestinian people’s national constants at all cost regardless of the volume of pressures. [Mr. Hamdan, Brother Abu Mazen is leading the conspiracy! He is as concerned about the Palestinian national constants as Brother Olmert; so what is this rubbish you are talking about??] "

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