Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Fascist Lieberman: Either Hamas or gov't must be dismantled

(VIDEO) Calling it 'moment of truth', Yisrael Beiteinu leader says decision for harder action in Gaza must be made. Defense Minister Amir Peretz says Israel should stay out of Gaza infighting

""The present coalition has reached the moment of truth," Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman said on Sunday. "Either we dismantle Hamas, or we dismantle the government.

"I am not giving an ultimatum, but eventually, the choice will be complete dismantling of either Hamas or the government. It's time to stop making bombastic statements, it's time for hard action," Lieberman said.

Saturday night, the Yisrael Beiteinu chairman called for more intense ground activity in the Gaza Strip, including taking over the Philadelphi route, until an international force arrives.

Lieberman did not take part in the weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday, and preferred to keep his statements for the media.

During the Cabinet meeting, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, who declared a "special Home Front situation" earlier Sunday, analyzed the situation in the south, and the escalation between Palestinian factions......"

More on the nut case

"Minister for Strategic Threats Avigdor Lieberman, head of the hawkish Yisrael Beiteinu party, warned his fellow coalition partners Sunday that if the government failed to dismantle Hamas, the government itself would be dismantled......

Israel must launch bold military operations aimed at "dismantling Hamas totally and absolutely" and creating "an entirely new situation," Lieberman said.

"The current coalition has reached the moment of truth. Either we take apart Hamas, or we take apart the government," Lieberman told Israel Radio.

"This alternative is pure, it's the only one on the agenda. I emphasize that this is not an ultimatum and I am not setting a time limit, but in the end, this is the choice, either you break up Hamas, or you break up the government."

According to Lieberman, "I am speaking of a specific operation, I am speaking of dismantling Hamas totally and absolutely, the creation of an entirely new situation. It is time to stop making declarations and threats. It is time to carry out operations, tough operations, daring, non-routine operations, and I hope that this is what will be."

Kadima minister Ze'ev Boim said earlier Sunday that Israel must strike at Hamas leaders "with all our might," and warned that even Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh could be on Israel's list for potential assassination.

"We must strike their leaders with all our might," Boim told Israel Radio. "There's a list of them from the first of them to the very last."

"Now, with Hamas saying openly that it is the one who is firing the Qassams, we must strike at Hamas. There are people there who are launching them, there are their commanders there in the armed wing, and there is the political echelon, there is a prime minister."....."

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