Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Guess Who is Supporting Olmert? Well, of Course it is the Puppet Abbas!

Palestinians fear for peace talks

"RAMALLAH - Senior Palestinian officials worried yesterday that the Winograd report, which charged Prime Minister Ehud Olmert with severe failures in handling last summer's war in Lebanon, might further complicate delicate Mideast peace efforts by weakening his government.

The harsh report, which sparked new calls for Olmert's resignation, comes at a time when the United States is pushing to revive Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking. Earlier this year, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice extracted promises from Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to meet twice a month and eventually start talking about the outlines of a peace deal......

The next Abbas-Olmert session was to take place soon in the West Bank town of Jericho, but was put off, in part because of the Winograd report. Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said no new date has been set.

"We view this as an internal Israeli matter," Erekat said of the report. "We want to continue making peace with the Israeli government. Having said that, we hope that this report and the findings of this report will not further complicate and hinder attempts to revive the peace process."......"


Palestinians: Please pray for Brother Olmert to stay in office so that he and Brother Abu Mazen can bring you peace.

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