Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Lying Clown King of Jordan

King Abdullah II of Jordan’s arrival in Ramallah delayed due to cloudy weather

That is the lie as the real reason is something else.....

"Ramallah – Ma'an – The office of the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, announced on Sunday that the arrival of King Abdullah II of Jordan to Ramallah, in the central West Bank, was delayed due to the cloudy weather......

Earlier, media sources told Ma'an that political reasons were behind the postponing of the visit; the king of Jordan failed to convince the Israelis to allow Palestinian Prime Minister, Isma'il Haniyeh, to come to Ramallah in order to join the meeting between Abbas and King Abdullah II. "

Also look at this:

Jordan’s Abdullah calls off flight to Ramallah Sunday for talks with Mahmoud Abbas on new plan first revealed Friday by DEBKAfile

"Amman claimed bad weather held up the visit, but two of the three royal helicopters took off and landed anyway.

The plan to link Jordan and West Bank was presented to Israel and Palestinians last week by a high-ranking Jordanian emissary, according to our Middle East sources. Amman proposed the new state framework to be established before the rise of an independent Palestinian state......"

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