Monday, May 7, 2007

Palestinians: Celebrate! The Puppet "Palestinian Army" is Ready to Serve Usrael and Crush the Resistance

An Important Story

"Khan Younis – Ma'an – The commander of the Palestinian national security in the Gaza Strip, Brigadier Jamal Kayid, announced on Monday that the national forces are in the process of establishing a unified Palestinian army.

The army is intended to comprise soldiers from each of the Palestinian factions, with the national security services as the central command.

Kayid declared that the Palestinian national security services protect the Palestinian national project for the Palestinian people.[Fancy and misleading rhetoric]

He says that the opinion of some Palestinians with regards to the national security service is "narrow-minded, especially considering the sacrifice that so many made as martyrs in the Palestinian struggle."

Kayid added, "Our plan to rehabilitate and train the security services is ongoing and we have accomplished 75% of the amalgamation of the forces."

He urged the security forces to avoid political disputes and affirmed that the "forces are a military establishment representative of all Palestinians".

Kayid commended president Abbas' decision to assimilate the military police, intelligence and liaison into the national security forces, describing the decision as "very wise." "


It is obvious that the puppet Abbas has not only accepted the Usraeli plan to trade "relaxation of freedom of movement" for the crackdown on and the crushing of the resistance, but this signals that he will meet Condoleezza's time table. This Palestinian puppet army will next be deployed no later than June 1 and the CIA asset Dahlan will by that date present to Rice his plan for the coming crackdown.

It is going to be a bloody and hot summer, but you still have time to celebrate "Palestinian unity" and to welcome the new "Palestinian army."

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