Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Stupidity of Hamas: The "Executive Force" is Still Being Executed Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel. Dissolve the Farce and Become Real Guerrillas!!

"Gaza - Ma'an - Four Palestinians have been killed and over thirty injured in four strikes by Israeli planes on Executive Force positions in several towns across the Gaza Strip on Saturday at noon.

Director of emergencies and ambulances in the ministry of health, Dr Muawiya Hassanein stated that the four Palestinians were killed, and six injured, in an air strike on the Executive Force in the Zeitoun area of Gaza City.

The identities of the deceased have been revealed: Mohammad Ad Dairy, Ali An Nashshar, Adil As Siafi, and Ahmad Ad Dam. It is not yet clear if the killed men were members of the Executive Force.

Gazan medical sources stated that many injuries were admitted to Ash-Shifa' hospital after the Badr position was hit by Israeli planes.

In the south of the strip, Israeli planes launched a further two air raids on an Executive Force post in Tal As Sultan in Rafah, and upon a Hamas security body base in Khan Younis.

Medical authorities expect the death toll to rise dramatically because of the critical condition and injuries of many, with more people still to find under the damaged buildings.

He confirmed that medical and rescue crews are still working on retrieving people still trapped under the damaged buildings.

Al-Qassam members were also injured in the strikes against Ash-Shati refugee camp.

In Rafah, Israeli planes targeted a Qassam position, west of the city, with at least five rockets, causing the total devastation of several Al Qassam buildings.

Israeli planes also struck Al Qassam positions in the evacuated former settlement of Neveh Dakalim.

In the raid on the former settlement, an entire building was destroyed and fire continued to blaze in the area. A fire fighting crew arrived at the scene, accompanied by ambulances, yet Israeli jets launched another strike, causing damage to two ambulances and injuring a man.

These most recent strikes are considered the most intense raids since the Israeli escalation nine days ago."


A couple of days ago we were told that the Israeli air force has run out of targets to hit; it is clear that is not the case. It is not because of the skills of Israel, IT IS THE STUPIDITY OF HAMAS that is making this possible. Does Hamas not understand that this campaign is coordinated with the Israeli agents Abbas and Dahlan to wipe out the "Executive Force?" The goal is not just to topple Hamas politically, but to eradicate it as a movement. When your very survival as a movement is at stake, you have to shift gears and change your thinking dramatically. It is not Sulta and stupid "government" any longer. Dissolve all of these fixed, rigid and vulnerable structures and become a fluid and unpredictable movement that lies low when the enemy is hitting hard. You should preserve your forces and wait for when the enemy is vulnerable (read the "Art of War"). The Gaza strip is swarming with Israeli agents. All of the "security" apparatus of Abbas are eyes and ears for Israel. Don't put your fighters in cars at this time, there are informers guiding Israeli missiles. Don't send these fighters to their death unnecessarily; martyrdom can wait!

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