Sunday, May 20, 2007

This is not Terrorism.....This is not Terrorism......This is ????

Six killed as IAF strikes home of Hamas official

"The Israel Air Force fired missiles at the home of a Hamas leader Sunday evening, leaving at least six Palestinians dead, hospital officials reported.

The home belonged to Halil al-Haya, a member of the political arm of the Hamas party. Al-Haya was apparently not at home at the time of the strike.

Witnesses reported that the dead were members of al-Haya's family. Several wounded were also reported.

This strike is the first time in six months the Israel Defense Forces have targeted a non-military wing member of Hamas......."


Olmert is proving to be a reliable ally of the Palestinian Karzai Abbas and is responding to his pleas to intensify the attacks on Hamas.

Long live the Olmert-Abbas axis; celebrate it now!

Note to Hamas: This is what happens when you operate in the open; the enemy doesn't distinguish between military and political wings. Do you now see the foolishness of joining the PA "government" and the Oslo elections?? All your leaders have been brought out in the open as a result; not a bad scheme on the part of Usrael and their Palestinian agents. This finally proves that you either pursue serious resistance or play politics; you can't do both, which is the stupid theory of Hamas.

Even poor Habila might not be safe now.

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