Sunday, May 27, 2007

War Pimp Alert: Ya'alon: Bring down Iran regime, send ground troops into Gaza

"Attempts to prevent the nuclearization of Iran will fail, according to former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon, who asserted Saturday that the military option should be examined and the Iranian regime should be brought down.

Speaking on Channel 2's "Meet the Press," Ya'alon also proposed going into Gaza with massive ground forces to "clean" the area without taking it over for a long period. He said he feared that within a year terrorists would be firing Katyushas at Kiryat Gat and Ashdod. "No one will solve the problem in Gaza for us," he said.

"We will have to get at the terrorists and their workshops, which are the infrastructure of terror, and to strike them. We did this in Operation Defensive Shield. Before Defensive Shield we also debated, but in the end we carried it out wisely. You have to be blind not to see the necessity to go into the Strip. There is no choice," Ya'alon added.

The former IDF chief said he believed Mahmoud Abbas is not a relevant partner. He also expressed concern that escalation in the south might cause the northern front with Hezbollah to heat up. In addition, he said that anti-rocket systems the defense establishment has discussed are ineffective and do not provide a real response to the problem of Qassams and Katyushas.

According to Ya'alon, he prepared the IDF for a scenario like last year's Second Lebanon War. "With me as chief of staff, the war would have looked different," he said."


A Comment by Tony Sayegh

An expert on guerrilla resistance has expressed the view that from the perspective of a guerrilla, it would be better if the IOF re-occupied the Gaza Strip. Right now, it is a remote-control occupation. But if ground forces are brought in and the Palestinians learn and use real guerrilla tactics as Hizbullah did last summer, then the cost to the IOF would be much higher.

According to many experts, the plan should be this:

1) Dissolve the PA in both the West Bank and Gaza and force Usrael to shoulder the full burden of the occupation.

2) Establish a true Palestinian liberation movement that includes all Palestinians willing to fight for liberation, not just talk about it for the cameras. At this stage unity should be unity of arms not unity of mouthpieces in a joke called "unity government."

3) Affiliation with various factions should be de-emphasized, since at this stage it weakens the resistance. This is not the stage for political parties and different ideologies. Right now there is only one goal: liberation.

4) Undergo a thorough and ruthless evaluation of the mistakes of the past in order not to repeat them.

5) Make a determined effort to learn from the experience of others who fought colonial occupations and won. When facing a sophisticated occupier who uses the best available weapons and strategy you have to be a match.

6) Experience is available within the Arab world to draw upon, specifically Iraq and Lebanon. Local conditions are different, but the broad outlines are still applicable.

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