Saturday, May 12, 2007

When the Liars Deny, it Must be True

Jordanian Prime Minister rejects talk of confederation with Palestinian territories

"Bethlehem – Ma'an – The Jordanian Prime Minister, Dr Ma'rouf Al-Bakhit, stated on Friday that "the time is not now ripe for any talks about a confederate or federated union between Jordan and Palestine, or any form of formal relation". He maintained that such discussion "is harmful for the interests of both sides"......

An Israeli newspaper reported that the former Jordanian premier, and also the head of the negotiating delegation between Jordan and Israel, Abdus-Salam Al-Majali, had suggested a Jordanian peace plan to Israeli Prime Minister Olmert.

The plan was allegedly based on the annulment of the decision to cut the union between Palestine and Jordan, ratified in 1988. In addition, Jordan expressed readiness for "a confederate union with the Palestinian Authority", which the newspaper claimed would be announced before the establishment of an independent Palestinian state."

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