Tuesday, June 5, 2007

3,235 Palestinians killed since the start of the second intifafa, PCHR reports. In the Meantime More than 4,000 Iraqis Were Killed in Just 2 Months

"Gaza - Ma'an – The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) announced that 3,235 Palestinians have been killed since the start of the Al-Aqsa or second intifada, which began in September 2000.

A report issued by the centre stated that 141 women, 25 medics, 10 journalists, 6 of whom were foreigners, and 764 children, have been killed. In addition to 614 who were the victims of targeted assassinations, 412 of whom were 'wanted' and 212 who were innocent civilians.

The report added that 11,030 Palestinians were injured in the Gaza Strip and 13,100 in the West Bank.

11,000 Palestinians have been taken prisoner......"

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