Wednesday, June 6, 2007

40 years of Israeli occupation and the prospects for peace

Dr. Naseer Aruri interviewed by
Mordecai Briemberg

"This June marks the 40th year of Israel’s 1967 invasion and occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, the longest continuous occupation in modern history. Oscar winning movie star Emma Thompson is just one prominent individual who has joined a single-word, international campaign: ENOUGH! From London England to Vancouver Canada well-known individuals from all walks of life and major church, union, human rights, global anti-poverty organizations are joining in this campaign.

Dr. Naseer Aruri, born in Jerusalem, is a renowned Palestinian intellectual, an author of several books on the Palestine-Israel conflict , and Emeritus Chancellor Professor at the University of Massachussetts. He has been on the board of directors of Amnesty and of Human Rights Watch and is a founding member of the Arab Organization for Human Rights.

Mordecai Briemberg interviewed Dr. Aruri on the Redeye program of Vancouver Cooperative Radio (102.7 FM), March 26. Here are extended excerpts from that interview......."

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