Monday, June 25, 2007

Abbas has no choice

".....Even the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which currently pursue wanted Hamas men in Nablus with great vigor as if they were an elite IDF force, clearly understood that the obstacle that would prevent Hamas from moving over to the West Bank is the introduction of a peace alternative that would clearly distinguish Fatah from Hamas.

On the eve of the Sharm el-Sheikh summit, Fatah heads realized that their challenge now is to outline a new ideology that would make it clear to any West Bank resident, and later Gaza Strip residents, that when it comes to the fundamentalist Islamic danger, Israel, Fatah and any peace-loving Palestinian resident are on the same side.

It is not easy, but it is possible. A basic condition for that is a public declaration by Abbas on open cooperation with Israel against the common enemy, Hamas. Any other vague conduct, which would again aim to deceive Israel and the West, or enjoy the best of all worlds without investing efforts and making sacrifices, will fail. Hamas is lying in wait. "

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