Thursday, June 14, 2007

Abbas rejects Hamas "coup", calls Gaza a "mutineer zone"

"Bethlehem - Ma'an Exclusive - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will not accept a military "coup" by Hamas, embodied in the takeover of the Preventive Security headquarters in Gaza on Thursday and of the National Security building in Khan Younis on Wednesday, Fatah sources told Ma'an News Agency.

Abbas also warned that there are elements within Hamas calling for an attack on his offices and residence in the Muntada area of Gaza City.

In this regard, the electronic website of the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahranoth said that Abbas is studying the possibility of declaring the Gaza Strip a "mutineer zone". He also affirmed to the world that the legal Palestinian Authority is in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Ma'an also learned that the Fatah 'strongman' and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), Muhammad Dahlan, returned from Egypt on Thursday to Ramallah. He headed directly to President Abbas's headquarters."

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