Monday, June 11, 2007

Barhoum: Fatah mutineers crossed all red lines by targeting council of ministers

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Spokesman of Hamas Movement in Gaza Strip Fawzi Barhoum strongly condemned the shooting incident at the headquarters of the PA council of ministers in Gaza city at the hands of Fatah mutineers.

“This is a coward crime that comes after the botched attempt to assassinate PA Youth and Sport minister Dr. Basim Na’im, and serves as clear message from that vandal group of their intention to escalate tension in the Palestinian street, and of trespassing all red lines”, Barhoum said.

Last week, elements affiliated with the mutiny trend within Fatah faction kidnapped and severely tortured one of PA premier Ismail Haneyya’s bodyguards before dumping him between life and death at a remote site in Gaza city.

Matters are getting more serious and thus we couldn’t any more stand idle before them as the mutineers are systematically targeting the Palestinian legitimacy through attacks on the PLC, the PA public institutions, and now the PA council of ministers”, the Hamas official underlined.

But he asserted that Hamas along with the Palestinian people will not allow that group to carry out the Zio-American plans that aim at destroying the Palestinian people and the just Palestinian question.

The attack forced a suspension of the weekly session of the PA cabinet that was supposed to discuss the implementation of the PA security plan which aims at curbing lawlessness in the Palestinian arena once and for all."


Now We Know Why:

Fatah seeks weapons deal with Israel

Thanks, Lucia.

I think that Dahlan and his Contras are trying to meet Condoleezza's "Benchmark" by June 21. This time, I think it is very serious; it could be an all out attempt by Elliott Abrams and his Palestinian Contras.

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