Thursday, June 28, 2007

Blair unfit for peace-making

By Khalid Amayreh in East Jerusalem

"There is no doubt that Tony Blair, who has just been appointed by the Quartet (US, EU, Russia and UN) as Peace Envoy to the Middle East is utterly unfit for the job. The man is simply too deceitful and too dishonest and too unethical to be a genuine peacemaker.

Last week, renowned British Journalist Robert Fisk wrote the following about Blair:

“I remain overwhelmed that this vain, deceitful man, this proven liar, a trumped-up lawyer who has the blood of thousands of Arab men, women and children on his hands is really contemplating being ‘our’ Middle East envoy.”.....

Blair’s legacy as British Prime Minister and world leader is undoubtedly dark and ugly. The man was instrumental in getting the uncultured, ignoramus George Bush to invade, occupy and destroy Iraq, resulting in the decimation of the Arab country and annihilation of hundreds of thousands its citizens. To justify the Anglo-American crusade against Iraq, Blair resorted to every conceivable cheap tactic, from brash, brazen lying to the British people to concocting wild tales about Iraq’s possession of weapons of mass destruction and “imminent” onslaught on western civilization.....

Blair enthusiastically supported the extremely callous siege on Palestinians, including the seizure by Israel of Palestinian customs revenues, which impoverished and starved millions of innocent men, women and children for no guilt they committed apart from exercising their democratic freedoms.This was the behavior of a man who constantly preached to the peoples of the Middle East about the virtues of democracy and human rights, while in reality doing every thing possible to undermine and undo the outcome of democratic and transparent elections, closely monitored by observers from around the world, including former US President Jimmy Carter......

In truth, Blair has never shown any meaningful opposition to Israel’s unmitigated theft of Palestinian land as well as the construction of numerous Jewish-only settlements and transfer of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens onto the occupied territories.

Last year, when Israel launched its genocidal war on Lebanon, destroying much of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure and dropping millions of cluster bomblets throughout the virtually defenseless country, Blair refused to support an early ceasefire, apparently in order to allow Israel to murder and maim more Lebanese civilians, which it did......."

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