Sunday, June 24, 2007

Haniyeh: Fatah "rebels" were planning to overthrow Hamas since the 2006 PLC elections

"Gaza - Ma'an - In a press conference in Gaza, the deposed prime minister Ismail Haniyeh has given more explanations about the "pressures" exerted on Hamas, and the "rebellion" planned against Hamas since they won the Palestinian legislative elections in January 2006.

Haniyeh said: "We have faced a series of rebellions against us: our privileges were discharged, and obstacles were put in our way over the last few months. This trend is connected to Fatah, which has been supplied with money and all the necessary equipment to bring Hamas down."

This rebellious trend, Haniyeh alleged, considered all the Palestinian unity agreements, especially the Mecca agreement, as an "armistice" only, and not a permanent agreement.

Haniyeh revealed that he had sent a letter to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, ahead of the recent violent incidents in the strip, warning him of the dangerous situation in the Palestinian territories. In the letter, Haniyeh notified Abbas that leading members of the security services were holding secret meetings and preparing special troops from within the National Security services. Haniyeh cautioned Abbas that this situation threatened the Palestinian political system.

During his speech, Haniyeh also demanded that the money that Israel is planning to release to the Palestinian emergency government – headed by Abbas' new prime minister Salam Fayyad – be rather given to all Palestinian inhabitants. "This money is legitimately the Palestinians'," he said. "We demand it be fairly distributed to all the inhabitants without any exception". "

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