Friday, June 8, 2007

It Finally Dawned on Habila!

PM Haniyeh accuses Arab states of favouring one Palestinian party over another

"Gaza - Ma'an - Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh launched a fierce attack on some unnamed Arab countries on Friday. In his Friday speech, he accused these unnamed countries of supporting one Palestinian party over another.

During his speech following the Friday prayers in a Gaza mosque, Haniyeh called on the Arab countries to deal with the Palestinian parties indiscriminately, and to stop sending arms to one party at the expense of others.

Haniyeh also accused Palestinian parties, without stating their names, of attempting to abort the unity government.

In a different regard, the joint Palestinian security force leader, who is in charge of implementing the security plan, submitted a report to Prime Minister Haniyeh in which he said, "the joint force lacks ammunition.""


To put it mildly, Habila was made a "PM" precisely because he is not that sharp and the various Arab regimes can manipulate him and use him; he does not stand up for much. But, even a battered wife, can only take so much abuse.

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