Thursday, June 14, 2007

More Horse Manure From..........the PLO! Celebrate!

PLO: dismiss the government, announce state of emergency, call early elections

"Ramallah - Ma'an - The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)'s Executive Committee recommended on Thursday the dismissal of the Palestinian national unity government, the announcement of a state of emergency and early elections.

The PLO-EC also recommended bringing interim international forces to the Gaza Strip to separate the rival factions and protect the national institutions, which the committee said have been assaulted by "Hamas mobs."

The committee described the Hamas-affiliated Al-Qassam Brigades and the Executive Force to be "mutineers" and "law breakers". The committee also called on the PLO central council to convene as soon as possible."


So, the cowards hiding in the Green Zone in Ramallah now want "interim international forces" to keep them in power? Enough! And they wonder why so few Palestinians are willing to fight for such filthy and corrupt gang that no one has elected. Does this not explain why their "forces" in Gaza collapsed like a house of cards?

Tfu on their "Executive Committee."

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