Sunday, June 3, 2007

More Smoke on the Horizon in the Middle East War Theater

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Global Research, June 3, 2007

"The march to war in the Middle East is well underway. Outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair has said that diplomacy is the best way forward with Iran, but appends his statements by saying that he can not “absolutely predict every set of circumstances,” which means that war can not be ruled out. In this regard, Gordon Brown is no different. [1] The man scheduled to be the next British Prime Minister once Tony Blair steps down ( June 27, 2007 ), has refused to rule out war against Iran and its allies......

Media Disinformation on the "Iran Threat".......

Pushing Syrian Troops out of Lebanon in 2005......

The 2006 Israeli Campaign against Lebanon.....

Secret War Plans against Lebanon and Syria Revealed and Unravelled....

Syrian Concerns about the Border with Lebanon ......

War preparations: Isolating Syria from Russia via the Sea ......

The Mediterranean Front: Israel and Syria preparing for War ......

The Approaching Confrontation with Iran.......

Israel seeks a 2007 Rematch in Lebanon : Middle Eastern Powder Keg?......

Beating the War Drums: A Summer Offensive against Syria and Iran ?.......

War in the Middle East : The Palestinian Front......

War in the Middle East : The Iraqi Front ......

Diplomacy and War Preparations are Simultaneous in the Middle East....."

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