Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Palestinian Contras Reveal Their Real Aim

General Secretary of Fatah in the West Bank urges Abbas to declare a state of emergency and call early elections

"Ramallah - Ma'an – The General Secretary of the Fatah movement in the West Bank, Hussein Ash Sheikh, called on Palestinian President Mahmous Abbas to "take action, measures and decisive decisions in order to put an end to the lawlessness in the Gaza Strip."

Ash Sheikh urged Abbas to declare a state of emergency, call for early elections or dissolve the Palestinian Authority as; he said "it is not reasonable to have the PA as a nightmare on the Palestinian minds."

In an interview with the Pal Media agency, Ash Sheikh criticized the Palestinian factions and urged them to act responsibly.

He added that what is going on in the strip is "a coup, which is being attempted by a specific current in the Hamas movement against the PA and against the Palestinian factions, these factions should raise their voice and say enough is enough to what is going on in the strip.""

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