Thursday, June 28, 2007

Palestinian Karzai Even More Isolated in the Ramallah Green Zone: Some Very Senior Fatah Leaders Turning on Him

Abbas dismisses senior aide over comments to Al Jazeera

"Bethlehem - Ma'an - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas decided on Wednesday evening to dismiss the former minister of interior and member of Fatah's central committee, Hani Al-Hassan, from his post of chief advisor to the Palestinian president, sources close to the presidency affirmed. The dismissal came after Al-Hassan gave a controversial interview to the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera TV, severely criticising Fatah.

Several Fatah leaders telephoned Ma'an News Agency on Wednesday night and confirmed that they requested from Abbas to suspend Hani Al-Hassan after what he told Al-Jazeera.

The speaker of the Fatah bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council, Azzam Al-Ahmad, was quoted as saying, "What Hani Al-Hassan told Al-Jazeera does not represent the standpoint of any Palestinian teenager, and he only represents himself."

Other Fatah leaders considered Al-Hassan's claims to be extremely harmful to the Fatah position, namely when he considered the Hamas takeover in Gaza Strip as a defeat to an alleged plan of the US security coordinator to the Palestinians, Keith Dayton, and a defeat to the allies of the USA.

Others accused Al-Hassan of being unbalanced and said that Al-Jazeera should not have hosted him in such a way.

Israeli sources mentioned at midnight that gunmen opened fire at Hani Al-Hassan's home in Ramallah in the central West Bank after the interview on Al-Jazeera.

Fatah spokesperson Ahmad Abed Ar Rahman said: "The pre-prepared claims by Hani Al-Hassan during the program "Without Limits" on Al-Jazeera mark a complete disagreement with the Fatah central committee's position against the bloody coup in the Gaza Strip. This is a conspiracy plot, with regional plans......"


تصريحات هاني الحسن للجزيرة تثير استياء رفاقه بفتح

"هاجم قادة ومسؤولون في حركة فتح عضو اللجنة المركزية للحركة هاني الحسن إثر تصريحات أدلى بها لقناة الجزيرة في برنامج بلا حدود أمس الأربعاء.

وكان هاني الحسن قد قال للبرنامج إن هناك تيارا من فتح يعمل تحت خطة دايتون، وإن فتح لا ترضى عما قام به، مشيرا إلى أن الحركة لم تشارك في الاقتتال في غزة، ولو فعلت لكانت النتيجة غير ما حصل.

ودعا الحسن حركة حماس لعدم الشعور بالغرور بما حدث، لأن "هناك الآلاف من أبناء فتح في غزة الذين نأوا بأنفسهم عن هذه الأحداث لأنهم كانوا ضد خطة دايتون، وضد من يعملون في إطارها".


The Abbas Mafia will be even angrier at Al-Jazeera now. They have repeatedly attacked Al-Jazeera, including physically attacking its reporter in the West Bank and its office.

The truth is out and you can't just blame the messenger. Now, one of the founders of Fatah is telling the truth. The Mafia Don is being exposed for the stooge he is. Even the Green Zone in Ramallah will not be sufficient to protect such a traitor.

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