Sunday, June 24, 2007

Phares: Gaza Fighting Part of Iran-Syria Plot

By Kurt Nimmo

"According to neocon Walid Phares, writing for FrontPageMagazine, Iran and Syria are “involved in a regional campaign to seize as much physical terrain and score as many victories across the Middle East in order to consolidate their strategic posture” before Bush leaves office. Phares’ “Tehran-Damascus axis” are “arming and supplying neo-Taliban and other Jihadi forces in Afghanistan,” stirring up sectarian divisions in Iraq, and “has unleashed two blitzkrieg-like offensives” in Lebanon and Gaza.

Phares, a darling of the neocon “talent” agency Benador Associates, believes the “heavy fighting in Gaza represents an important decision made by the regional masters: The acceleration of the axis offensive so that by the end of summer, four battlefields will be fully ignited against the U.S., its allies and regional democracies: Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza (Palestinian territories)......

In the current context, communism is irrelevant, as the point is to undermine and render ineffective Arab nationalism, most effectively from the inside out, as the CIA-Fatah link demonstrates. Now that yet another intelligence contrivance, Hamas, is in control of Gaza, the Israelis and their neocon collaborators will tell us the “Tehran-Damascus axis” is busy at work. Naturally, all of this slips nicely into the larger Zionist context, i.e., that both Iran and Syria must be “confronted,” that is to say their lands bombed and people slaughtered in an effort to realize Bernard Lewis’ balkanization model and the “strategy” of Oded Yinon as well, a plan resulting in “a world of Arab fragments that is ready to succumb to Israeli hegemony,” as Khalil Nakhleh describes it.

Walid Phares, the neocon operative by way of Benador Associates, tells us “short of a large-scale counter-operation aimed at dislodging the ‘coup’ in the enclave, the area will become a massive terror base of operations,” although he neglects to tell us these “operations” will be conducted at the behest of Israel and the United States, not Iran or Syria. In fact, Iran and Syria figure prominently on Israel’s target list and Phares, a former Lebanese Forces commander—that is to say, a former commander within the Maronite Phalange, a fascist Lebanese construct in cahoots with Israel—was trotted out to sell this Houdini illusion by way of the corporate media.

As should be expected, the logical terminus of this latest propaganda effort will end in the bombing of Iran and Syria. Walid Phares, of course, is simply doing his part to bring about the mass murder of thousands of Iranians and Syrians......"

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