Monday, June 18, 2007

PLC holds Abbas responsible for burning Dwaik's home

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The PLC chairmanship on Monday issued a statement condemning the burning of the home of its speaker Dr. Aziz Dwaik, who has been held in Israeli occupation jails for almost a year, at the hands of PA security and AMB elements.

Dr. Ahmed Bahar, the acting PLC speaker, said that the hooligans were not content with starting fire in Dwaik's home but blocked firefighters from reaching the place to put off the blaze.

Bahar also denounced the assault on second deputy speaker of the PLC Hassan Khreisha and the council's finance director Abdul Karim Taha in Ramallah on Sunday at the hands of thugs who also ransacked the premises.

The acting speaker charged that such acts targeted obstructing work of the council and held PA chief Mahmoud Abbas fully responsible for those acts. Bahar asked Abbas to put an end to such sabotage and to prevent those elements from continuing their crimes against the PLC, Palestinian institutions and civilian property in the West Bank."

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