Monday, June 18, 2007

PLC speaker's home in Ramallah is set ablaze by unknown arsonists

Working hand in hand: What the IOF will not do, the Vichy "government" will do....

"Bethlehem – Ma'an – Unidentified arsonists on Monday incinerated the home of Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) member, Dr Aziz Dweik, in Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

Dr Dweik is currently being detained in an Israeli jail.

Dweik's son said that the family home is located in the Al Masayif neighborhood on the outskirts of Ramallah. Nobody was at home when a group of gunmen stormed the building and started a fire from inside. Dweik's son said that the family has not yet been able to get to the house and estimate the losses.

He quoted eyewitnesses as saying that Palestinian firefighters arrived at the scene and extinguished the fire.

The presidency of the PLC condemned the arson attack, as well as recent assaults on the PLC deputy, Hasan Khriesha, financial director, Abdul Karim Abu Taha, and the storming of the parliament building in Ramallah.

On Saturday, Fatah militias attempted to abduct Khreisha as they stormed the Hamas-controlled parliament building in Ramallah. Khreisha reported that he was physically attacked by the Fatah-affiliated gunmen.

The PLC presidency blamed Abbas for the cases of violence and lawlessness, and said that an iron fist approach should be adopted in dealing with lawbreakers in order to prevent the perpetuation of such criminal acts.

The information department of the Nafha society for defending Palestinian prisoners also condemned the assault against Dweik's home at the hands of "mutineers" and stressed that such attacks serve only the occupation."

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