Sunday, June 3, 2007

That is What it is All About: Meaningless, Impotent and Farcical "Authority"

Hayya: Hamas will contest next PA presidential elections

"CAIRO, (PIC)-- Senior Hamas political leader MP Dr. Khalil Al-Hayya has affirmed that his Movement will not surrender to pressures exerted on it to leave the government and that it will contest the next PA presidential elections after 18 months.

He added that Hamas will also participate in the next PA legislative elections after the lapse of the legal period of the current PLC.

Hayya’s unequivocal remarks came in a joint press conference he held with his colleague in Hamas and the PLC MP Sa’eed Siyam, the former PA interior minister, at the headquarters of Arab Doctors League in the Egyptian capital Cairo Sunday......"


Let me make a wild guess about Hamas' candidate for "President." Yes, you are right; it will be Habila!

Start wearing those buttons now that say, "Habila for President!" Come to think of it, it is a perfect slogan for a Palestinian SALATA.

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