Saturday, June 23, 2007

Welcome to Abbas' Police State: Ma'an visits Hamas detainees in Nablus

".....Dire conditions

When Ma'an's correspondents entered the security services' prison in Nablus, they said they were struck by the dire conditions of the prison. Ma'an's correspondents expressed concern for the psychological health of the detainees.

A Hamas prisoner, Hilal Libbada, who our correspondents said was lacklustre and withdrawn, was asked about his situation, "I am fine," he said. He was asked whether he received food and drink and he replied simply "yes."

When asked what he was accused of, he said "affiliation to Hamas and conducting illegal acts." Ma'an's correspondents reported that he then looked at the prison's guard and became muted. After that he only said that he and others were against what took place in Gaza because "we are all brothers".

Another detained youth, Ala', spoke to Ma'an. He said that he owned a supermarket. He was apprehended five days ago on charge of Hamas-affiliation......"

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