Monday, June 25, 2007

Zahhar: we found "shocking" secret information in the Palestinian security services' buildings in Gaza

"Khan Younis – Ma’an – Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip, Mahmoud Zahhar, on Monday announced that he unveiled top secret information in buildings belonging to the Palestinian security services in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas occupied all buildings owned by the security services during their seizure of power in Gaza just over a week ago.

Zahhar made a public address at Al Islah Mosque, east of Gaza City, on Monday. He said “following investigations, we have discovered documents and files belonging to the Palestinian security services; we will release all the information and people will be shocked by what we have found.”

He also claimed that he had found the Palestinian Intelligence Agency headquarters, called ‘The Ship’, in which he claimed that “50 booby-trapped cars were ready for use.” He added “we disassembled the cars and saved Gaza from a sea of blood”.

Zahhar also alleged that Hamas found secret tunnels, mass graves and arsenals.

“There are documents which reveal Fatah’s financial corruption. These documents show how money was divided and handed out, they also reveal moral corruption; such as photos taken of a minister’s daughter in a sexual position, which were used as blackmail,” said Zahhar. He added, “These are things that no one can comprehend and no one can imagine.”

Zahhar also claimed that Fatah protected drug and weapons dealers.

Zahhar insisted that Hamas did not set out to occupy the ‘Al Muntada’ presidential compound, but were forced to enter it to rescue “innocent inhabitants”. Zahhar claimed that before Hamas took over the Al Muntada, “It was used as a huge prison for torture and massacre, it was fortified and armoured.

“The honest men of Fatah asked Hamas to come and seize control of the security locations that belong to Fatah,” said Zahhar.

The recent conflict in Gaza was not between Hamas and Fatah, because Hamas has nothing against Fatah. The first and last beneficiary from this situation is Fatah, which has sacrificed souls like other parties and as a result their status will improve among the Palestinian population,” concluded Zahhar. "

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