Friday, July 27, 2007

Abbas and Bush hamper UNSC resolution to alleviate suffering in Gaza


"NEW YORK, (PIC)-- The PA delegation to the UN, which is accountable to President Abbas, intervened to hamper a draft resolution submitted to the UNSC by Qatar and Indonesia to ease the suffering of the people living in the Gaza Strip.

The US for its part intervened to enforce amendments on the draft resolution and expressed support for the PA delegation's views.

The draft resolution, which was submitted on Thursday and distributed to members of the council, called for the UNSC to express concern for the stranded Palestinians at the Rafah crossing and to urge a quick resolution for their predicament. It also calls for allowing the free flow of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

The PA delegation objected to the Indonesian-Qatari move on the pretext that they should have been consulted on the draft resolution before it was submitted. The US delegation expressed, in press statements, support for the PA delegation's stand.

The Qatari delegation commented on the objection of the PA delegation by saying that they have acted on a humanitarian basis and that the draft resolution dealt with the issue on the humanitarian level and not on the political level and added that a number of council members expressed support for the draft resolution.

The US delegation asked for amendments to the resolution whereby Israel is not mentioned in the resolution. The US representative also told reporters that the US wishes to involve the PA delegation in the submission of the draft resolution to the council.

The draft resolution was supposed to be considered on Thursday, but the French delegation asked for more time to consult the French government."

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