Friday, July 20, 2007

Because the Pharaoh Has No Balls: Egypt establishes refugee camps for Palestinians stranded at Rafah crossing

"Gaza - Ma'an – Egyptian authorities in the Sinai peninsula city of Al Arish have established seven refugee camps to shelter Palestinians stranded at Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources are saying.

Egyptian sources said that the camps were established after many Palestinians ran out of money and were forced to sleep on the streets and in gardens around the city.

The sources added that the camps have been equipped with basic living supplies and that the residents of the camps will be given meals. The sources reaffirmed that Palestinians will be able to receive free medical treatment at hospitals in Al Arish and nearby cities.

Approximately 6,000 Palestinians have been stranded at the crossing since it was closed on June tenth, during factional fighting in Gaza.

Israeli sources said Thursday that the Rafah crossing will be reopened within two days hours, although there have been no signs of this at the crossing itself. Analysts believe that the establishment of the refugee camps is an indication that the border crisis will take much longer to resolve."


Well, Egypt now has its own Palestinian refugee camps! This is the result of subservience and servitude to Israel. When are the Egyptians going to liberate themselves from this Pharaoh?

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