Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Blair is Right Man for the Job, Indeed

The author, in this exclusive, argues that the fact that Blair was selected for the role of the Middle East peace envoy on behalf of the Quartet is the only right choice considering the mission and function of the US-led group.

By Ben White Exclusive

"As soon as it was confirmed that Tony Blair would be taking up the role of special envoy to the Middle East on behalf of the Quartet (USA, EU, UN and Russia), typical reactions ranged from skepticism to mockery. However, the choice of Blair is only incredible if one takes at face value the stated function and intent of the Quartet regarding the ‘peace process’. Most mainstream commentators, therefore, have missed a trick.....

In other words, the choice of Blair, when seen in the light of the Quartet’s position towards the question of Palestine, is eminently sensible. The ex-Prime Minister’s remit is a logical extension of his Middle East policies while in office. The Quartet and their new envoy share the same vision for the ‘peace process’: provide humanitarian assistance to the Israeli occupation, promote a Palestinian elite that will do their paymasters’ bidding, and confirm the refugees' permanent dispossession and exile. In other words, nothing short of the complete negation of Palestinian political and human rights."

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