Monday, July 30, 2007

The blurred line between war news, propaganda

By Khody Akhavi
Asia Times

"WASHINGTON - A shocking thing happens midway through Norman Solomon's documentary film War Made Easy.

While analyzing the George W Bush administration's lead-up to the Iraq invasion, Solomon, a longtime anti-war activist and media critic, plays a news clip of Eason Jordan, a CNN News chief executive who, in an interview with CNN, boasts of the network's cadre of professional "military experts". In fact, CNN's retired military generals turned war analysts were so good, Eason said, that they had all been vetted and approved by the US government. "I went to the Pentagon myself several times before the war started and met with important people," he said. "We got a big thumbs-up on all of [the generals]."

In a country revered for its freedom of speech and unfettered press, Eason's comments would infuriate any veteran reporter who upholds the most basic and important tenet of the journalistic profession: independence......"

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