Monday, July 30, 2007

The Disappeared at the Hands of the Death Squads in Palestine: Corpse of Qassam fighter discovered after twelve-year inquiry

"Khan Younis – Ma'an – The military wing of the Hamas movement, the Qassam Brigades, on Monday announced the death of one of its members, Nidal Dabbash, who had been missing for twelve years. Dabbash was from the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood in Gaza City.

Spokesperson of the Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeideh, told Ma'an, "We have found, through numerous investigations, the body of Dabbash in the same area as where a former leader, Kahil, was found in 1995."

Abu Obeideh said that the Palestinian security services declared that they arrested Dabbash and handed him over to the Israelis.

However, the Qassam Brigades claim that this was not entirely true. Following investigations, the Qassam Brigades found that Dabbash had never been detained or held by Israel and his corpse has now finally been discovered."

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