Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Final Sale Will Not be Public, it Will be a Secret Affair

Report: Olmert, Abbas holding secret talks on final status agreement

This is very significant, and should set alarm bells ringing, because this is what traitorous leaders do when they do not want the details of their treason to be known in public; they hide behind imposed secrecy. The Palestinians should be prepared and should expect the worst, this fall. -- Tony Sayegh

"Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas are engaged in secret talks on final status issues, Israel Radio quoted the London-based Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayyat as reporting Tuesday.

According to the report, the two leaders agreed to open a secret channel to discuss the issues, which include such sticking points as refugees, Jerusalem, and final borders, during their meeting roughly two weeks ago.

The report stated that the talks have yet to produce a breakthrough......

Abbas, however, told Meretz Chairman Yossi Beilin during their meeting in Ramallah last week that an agreement of principles would not be satisfactory. He said the Palestinian Authority is prepared to achieve a final status settlement with Israel by next fall, when an international Mideast peace conference is scheduled to take place."

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