Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hamas: Bush’s call is a big lie; and his threats don’t frighten us

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas Movement described on Tuesday the statements uttered by US President George W. Bush as big lies, charging that they came in the context of the US campaign to support PA chief Mahmoud Abbas against the Palestinian legitimacy represented by Hamas Movement.

The pledges uttered by Bush on establishing an independent Palestinian state were mere lies as he (Bush) has been repeating the same statements for long yeas, and he recalls those pledges every time he wants to deceive the world’s public opinion in general, and the Palestinian public opinion in particular”, said Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas’s spokesman in Gaza.

The Hamas official furthermore stressed his Movement’s absolute rejection to recognize the Israeli occupation of Palestine or forswearing the legitimate resistance as Bush demanded during his speech Monday.

Moreover, Abu Zuhri underlined that the threats unleashed by Bush against Hamas won’t frighten or force it to abandon its national constants, affirming that the Islamic Movement will continue leading the legitimate Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation, and will foil all US-Israeli conspiracies against the Palestinian people. “We shall abort all US conspiracies against Hamas Movement as we had aborted the ill-fated Dayton’s malicious scheme in Gaza Strip”, affirmed Abu Zuhri in allusion to the military plan concocted by Keith Dayton, the US security coordinator in the PA lands, and implemented by the routed Fatah leader MP Mohammed Dahalan and his mutiny trend in Gaza.

In this context, Hamas Movement urged the Arab and Muslim Ummah to “wake up” and to support the Palestinian national issue, which is the central issue of the Arab and Muslim Ummah, in confronting the “crusade” led by Bush against the Palestinian issue. “The Arab and Muslim Ummah are before a very sensitive test in confrontation with those threats that target their very existence”, Abu Zuhri highlighted.

Similar remarks were uttered by Hamas’s lawmaker and senior political leader Dr. Yahya Mousa, who affirmed that the Palestinian issue doesn’t need any more international conferences as suggested by Bush, but, he explained, the Palestinian issue needs real and sincere international will to implement the UN resolutions that the US had vetoed on more than 130 occasions.

Hamas doesn’t trust promises of the US administration, as we know that the US administration is exploiting time and portraying itself as if it was concerned about the future of the Palestinian people in a bid to beautify its image in the Arab world”, said Mousa in reaction to Bush’s call for an international conference on the Palestinian issue this coming Autumn.

The lawmaker also deplored Bush’s use of the world “kick out” during his speech when he said that Abbas had kicked out Hamas of the government and he will be rewarded for that.

Mousa explained that the US administration is dealing with the Palestinian people and the rest of the Arab world as if they were private kingdoms for their “puppet dictators” in the region, and that is why it uses the term “kick out”.

Hamas is the legitimacy in Palestine, and through it the world must speak to the Palestinian people, and thus we don’t accept Bush’s flagrant interference in the Palestinian internal affairs with the aim to drive a wedge among the Palestinian people, Mousa added.

In his speech, Bush commended Abbas and his (unconstitutional) government under Salam Fayyad, who is holding a US citizenship, saying, “We have lifted the financial restrictions on the PA after Abbas kicked out Hamas Movement from the government, and we will pay 190 million dollars to the PA”."

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