Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hamas to Abbas: Don’t test our patience in the W. Bank

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas Movement has unequivocally held PA chief Mahmoud Abbas fully responsible for the armed storming of the Najah University by his security forces and the shooting at students of the Hamas-affiliated Islamic bloc inside the University’s campus Tuesday.

Tens of the Islamic bloc’s students were wounded, at least two of whom in critical conditions, when Abbas’s security forces and armed Fatah militias stormed the university campus and shot at them while holding a sit-in against an IOF troops’ arrest of three of their comrades. “Let all those concerned know that Hamas’s patience over the PA security forces’ heinous crimes in the West Bank wasn’t out of weakness; but rather out of its keenness to preserve Palestinian national unity; yet if they (Abbas’s forces) persist with their crimes, then we tell them that our patience won’t last long”, affirmed Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, the Movement’s spokesman in Gaza Strip, in a press conference Tuesday.

He also recorded more than 755 Abbas’ forces’ aggressions on Hamas’s cadres and institutions in the West Bank over that past 40 days, explaining that such aggressions were sowed by [US security coordinator in the PA Keith] Dayton and his government in Ramallah, in allusion to Salam Fayyad's unconstitutional government. “The unexplainable silence on the part of Abbas towards those heinous crimes proves beyond reasonable doubt that he and Fayyad's government were leading an official policy against the Palestinian people as we are now facing criminal PA security apparatuses executing a criminal scheme”, Abu Zuhri underlined.

Yet, he affirmed that Hamas was and still is ready to “Turn the table over the heads of all those involved in that campaign against Hamas in the West Bank”, adding, however, that his Movement prefers to give mediators a chance to halt those atrocities. “Omens of what is happening now in the West Bank were the same as those that occurred in Gaza Strip; so, don’t push us to replicate Gaza’s reaction in the West Bank”, the Hamas’s official underscored.

He said, “The ball is in Abbas’s court, and we still have a big chance for national reconciliation and dialogue on national agenda; otherwise, matters could explode anytime if those vicious crimes persisted”.

Another official spokesman of Hamas in Gaza Strip Fawzi Barhoum unveiled that Abbas and Fayyad issued orders to form military courts in the West Bank with the aim to prosecute Palestinian resistance elements, warning that those courts might execute Palestinian Mujahideen refusing Abbas’s surrender call....

Finally, Hamas Movement urged the immediate release of its students arrested in the brawl inside the Najah University, and called for the prosecution of the attackers, accusing them of deliberately shooting at the students with the intention to kill as evident by their shooting of one of the students in the head.

The student was identified as Mohammed Raddad, 20, and he was reportedly dragged by Abbas’s security forces who forced him to the ground before shooting him in the head. He is reportedly clinically dead.

Tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens broke into Gaza streets in massive demonstrations against Abbas and his security forces’ crimes in the West Bank...."

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