Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hamdan: Abbas's statements lack credibility, give cover for Israeli escalation

Hamdan: Abbas's statements lack credibility, give cover for Israeli escalation

"DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, described on Wednesday PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's allegations that Hamas is harboring elements from the Al-Qaeda in the Gaza Strip as "lacking credibility and giving cover for Israel to escalate its aggression against and to tighten the siege on Palestinian people in Gaza."

"Accusing a large segment of the Palestinian people of being terrorists and claiming that there are hotbeds of terrorism in the Palestinian lands give the IOA a political cover to escalate its aggression and to persist in committing massacres against our people," Hamdan warned during an interview with PIC, adding that Abbas's statements are "a political price for the American and Israeli support."......

In another context, Hamas held the PA chief and Fayyad's government responsible for the collapse of the Palestinian political program through issuing illegal decrees and interfering negatively in the course of the PLC's sessions and programs taking advantage of the absence of 41 MPs from Hamas-affiliated "change and reform" Bloc in the Israeli jails.

Hamas also warned that a human catastrophe had occurred as a result of Abbas and Fayyad's abolition of the customs code of the Gaza Strip and held them responsible for the consequences of collaborating with the IOA in starving the Palestinian people.

Hamas on Wednesday had deplored Abbas's accusation of harboring elements from Al-Qaida, considering it an attempt to incite the world and the EU on the Palestinian people and its cause after positive European and international indicators started to surface regarding the Palestine question."

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