Monday, July 16, 2007

Haneyya: We will not barter political stands for food

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Prime Minister of the legitimate PA caretaker government Ismail Haneyya has stressed Monday that food and human rights mustn’t be subjected to political extortion, affirming that his government will not trade political stands for food. But Haneyya affirmed that being the prime minister, he is responsible for feeding 1.5 million Palestinian citizens in Gaza Strip, and he will not disavow that responsibility.

He also vowed not to relinquish political rights of the Palestinian people in exchange for lifting the unjust embargo that was imposed on Gaza Strip more than 19 months ago and intensified further after Hamas took control of security in the Strip last month.

In an interview with Reuters news agency, Haneyya categorically rejected the “hasty and flip-flopping” edicts of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and his “unconstitutional” government under Salam Fayyad of denying more than 23,000 PA employees of their wages.

In this regard, Haneyya urged Abbas to deal with the matters as a Palestinian leader and not as a Fatah chieftain.

“Why are they (enemies of the Palestinian people) imposing the siege on Gaza Strip? Is it because we want to end the security chaos and mess in the Palestinian arena”, Haneyya questioned during the interview.

But he affirmed that his government will remain supporting the Palestinian people and Palestinian national constants, affirming that the coming days will prove that Palestinian parties wagering on the USA and Israel were indeed mistaken.

Furthermore, Haneyya reiterated his call on Abbas for national dialogue in order to resolve the current Palestinian political impasse, affirming that his government wasn’t dealing with Gaza Strip as a separate part of the Palestinian land.

Yet, he explained that till a national dialogue is materialized, the PA caretaker government under his chairmanship will bolster law and order, will achieve justice and equality among the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip, and will end all forms of oppression, monopoly, and mischief.

Rejecting US and Israel allegations that Gaza Strip has turned into a safe haven for Al-Qaeda group and fell under the control of Syria and Iran as Abbas alleged, Haneyya underlined, “everyone knows very well that Al-Qaeda group has no foothold in Gaza, and that those allegations were made with the aim to instigate the world against Hamas and against the Palestinian people”. “We have said more than once that neither Syria nor Iran were involved in what had happened in Gaza Strip as all what had happened was a security development imposed by certain events”, Haneyya underscored.

When asked if he was worried about his safety in the wake of the Israeli reported endorsement of his assassination, Haneyya smiled and replied “We solemnly believe that our lives are in the hand of the Almighty Allah, and thus, such threats don’t frighten us”."

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