Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hawatmeh’s downfall

A Great Comment by Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem

Contributed by Lucia

".....Eventually, Israel wants to achieve one and only goal, namely the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. And the way to reach that goal is by creating and enabling a quisling-like Palestinian leadership that would compromise inalienable Palestinian rights.

It is very sad that Hawatmeh will culminate his political life this way, by joining the ranks of the Israeli-backed and American-financed chorus in Ramallah......

As an ordinary Palestinian, I would like to ask Hawatmeh what has happened him? Is he so exhausted and tired of the struggle that he is now eager to join the ranks of those who conspire against Jerusalem and the right of return? When Hawatmeh sets foot in Ramallah, after a humiliating trip via the Allenbey Bridge, he will not receive a prodigal son’s reception, neither by the Israelis nor by Abbas, now America’s man in Palestine......

Hawatmeh’s choices are very limited, indeed, as he would have to choose between siding with his people and serving their enduring just cause, or joining the chorus of Abbas, Dahlan, Yasser Abed Rabbo and cohorts.

He wouldn’t be able to join Abbas against Hamas while claiming that he remains faithful to Palestinian national goals and constants. For if Hawatmeh chooses to join Abbas, who is enthusiastically supported by the Americans and Israel, he would be betraying 40 years of struggle and tens of thousands of freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Palestine......

Israel, as we all know, murdered hundreds of Palestinian political and resistance leaders, including Yasser Arafat, Ahmed Yasin, Abu Ali Mustafa, Abu Jihad, Fathi al Shekaki, Abdul Aziz al Rantisi and many many others. These luminaries of the Palestinian struggle were murdered because they chose to side with their people and refused to act as agents and quislings for the enemy.

Needless to say, the ultimate moral of this is that any Palestinian leader who is accepted and favored by Israel and whom Israeli leaders say openly they favor and are interested in strengthening against another segment of our people can not be in a state of harmony with the masses. In fact, he is more likely to be in harmony with the enemy.....

In the final analysis, a person who allows himself to play into the hands of the very people who have raped the will of the Palestinian masses by using America’s money and political backing to undo the outcome of free and democratic elections that took place only a year and a half ago can’t really be given the benefit of the doubt."

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