Friday, July 6, 2007

Hezbollah: Feltman de facto leader of February 14 bloc


"Hezbollah issued a statement Friday commenting on US Ambassador to Lebanon Jeffery Feltman's televised interview with the LBC Thursday. The statement said: "There was no need for a televised interview so that the Lebanese rediscover the truth that they already know by heart about Feltman being the de facto leader of the February 14 powers. His accusations in all directions were not new, some of which need not be commented on because they are repeated and lack credibility. Feltman instructs politicians in Lebanon on daily basis, but what's prominent is that he has bluntly exposed his team and their role as tools to carry out what he decides and to echo his words. The paradox is that while Feltman moves from place to place and from media outlet to another, his tools and supplements outside Lebanon have cleared the way for him to directly and openly administer the country by giving instructions and making decisions, thus accurately reflecting Washington's conception of freedom, independence and sovereignty," Hezbollah's statement said. "

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