Friday, July 13, 2007

How far will this Brownian motion go

There is a definite shift in tone from No 10 on the 'special relationship', but the real crunch will come if the US decides to go to war with Iran.

By Julian Borger
The Guardian

"......His former chief of staff, Scooter Libby, may have been convicted, but Cheney has proven his strength once more by getting Bush to commute the prison term. And Cheney is still the biggest player of all in the policy debate. Bush still talks to him last before making up his mind on important policy decisions. The vice president doesn't always win, but he often does. And unless there is a diplomatic breakthrough he may win again, over Iran.

If Bush does decide to bomb as a way of halting Tehran's nuclear programme, Brown will be faced with possibly the hardest choice of all. US bombers would need British bases in Diego Garcia and in Britain itself. To deny the help would represent a breach in the alliance. Having lieutenants make nuanced speeches in Washington is one thing; saying no to the White House on a matter of war and peace is quite another. "

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