Thursday, July 5, 2007

Latin America and Its Axis of Hope

An Interview with Tariq Ali


"In late 2006 I reviewed Tariq Ali's new book Pirates of the Caribbean: Axis of Hope, which aims to explain the new rise of the political left in Latin America. On June 27 this year, I had the chance to interview Ali in Sydney, Australia around the issues raised in his book. Ali's links to Latin America stretch back four decades as in 1967, he travelled to Bolivia as a member of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation to observe the trial of Régis Debray as Che Guevara aimed to create a new revolution.

A current member of the advisory board of TeleSur, a joint venture by Venezuela, Argentina , Cuba, Uruguay, Bolivia and now Ecuador, to establish a television network to counter US hegemony, Ali has held numerous conversations with the Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, as well as other high-ranking officials in Cuba, Bolivia and Ecuador. An author of almost thirty books, Tariq Ali is also an editor of the New Left Review. The following is a complete transcript of my interview with Ali....."

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