Saturday, July 21, 2007

Letter Sent to Western Media Outlets Asking "Why Aren't You Covering the 6,000 Palestinians Stranded at the Rafah Crossing?"

".....Keith Olbermann

Dear Mr. Olberman,

Upon researching MSNB'C's coverage of the Palestinian issue, I am unable to find coverage concerning the 6000 Palestinians stranded at the Rafah border crossing in Egypt attempting to get home. The border has been closed to all crossing since June 9th. Many have been waiting since that time languishing in the desert. Palestinian reports say that 28 have died (many stranded are those who left to seek medical help outside Gaza and are not healthy). Sixteen babies have been born, none are eligible for Egyptian citizenship (unlike US law which grants automatic citizenship to those born here) and they have no birth certificates. Even if the border does open, these new mothers with their newborn babies will not be able to go home to Gaza.

Currently Dr. Mona El-Farra who is the vice president of the Gaza Red Crescent Society as well as Husam El Nounou and Marwan Diab of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program are among those stranded attempting to return home. Dr. Mona was returning from her 45 day, 17 city trip to the US which included an appearance before the UN. You can read her statement here Two days ago, Mohammed Omer, an award winning Gazan journalist who appeared on CSPAN in December gave a live interview to KPFK here in Los Angeles from his vantage point in Gaza. It can be heard here

I do believe that MSNBC has correspondents in Cairo who could travel to the Rafah crossing and cover this story. Mohammed's email is He responds quite quickly to emails sent to him . I am also certain that whoever is in Cairo could reach Dr. Mona through the Egyptian Red Crescent who is FINALLY sending some aid to the crossing. Please, please, I do not understand why MSNBC is not covering this issue. If it were 6000 Americans unable to return home, MSNBC would be there in a heartbeat.

Thank You Sincerely,

Robin ****** "

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