Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Neocon “Vision” for a Palestinian State: More Mass Murder, Thievery, and Unending Duplicity

By Kurt Nimmo

".....In regard to Israel and the Palestinians, however, doing the same thing over and over is not insanity but rather a calculated act on the part of Israel designed to produce a predictable and long sought after result, namely to submerge the Palestinians in formaldehyde. Recall Dov Weisglass, former Ariel Sharon chief of staff and now “point man in the US,” declaring that “disengagement” from Gaza supplied “the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so there will not be a political process with the Palestinians,” as the Israelis have no intention of allowing a Palestinian state, let alone obeying international law and various United Nations resolutions calling for an end to the occupation of Palestinian land.......

.....Of course, both Bush, or rather his neocons, and Israel under Olmert prefer the CIA-infested Fatah and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas. Naturally, the point here is to have yet another conference with a trusted toady micromanaged by the CIA and Shin Bet, the latter diligent at making sure any agreement between Israel and the Palestinians terminates predictably (see Shin Bet Vetoed Secret Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement), following yet another conference leading nowhere, or maybe to the same place Oslo led, i.e., to the theft of even more Palestinian land. Any new conference will, of course, produce likewise results.......

....Herzl, the “Founding Father” of Zionism and author of The Jewish State, would be proud. The Herzliya Conference, taking place in Herzl’s namesake settlement of “Herzliya”—built on the destroyed Palestinian village of Abu Kishk—resonates similarities to the World Zionist Congresses, the first of which took place in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland and chaired by Herzl himself. But, unlike the Zionist Congresses that took place in Zionism’s homeland—Europe—this conference takes place after the Palestinian displacement, and this time the plan is not how to establish a Jewish State in Palestine, but how to bring about the final annihilation of Palestine (under the very cynical rhetoric of establishing a “state”).

As Becker notes, the template is Oslo and the outcome is to talk the talk but do little else, as Israel plans to eventually and completely dispossess what remains of the Palestinians, a long-term plan conceived well before the “establishment” of the Israeli state (a state “established” under British colonialism and signed off on by the United Nations at the expense of Arabs)......

Meanwhile, as should be expected, in order to set the stage for new discussions the bankrupt Abbas arrived at Olmert’s office dressed like a welcome mat......

Bush’s “bilateral discussions and negotiations” will lead to more thievery and genocide. Call it a holding pattern for brutality and eventual ethnic cleansing, at present incremental. As should be expected, when Hillary reigns supreme come November, 2008, the situation will remain the same, as the Democrats, creatures of AIPAC who stumble over each other in clownish effort to pledge American treasure and blood to the tiny outlaw state of Israel, are no different than Republicans and neocons....."

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