Monday, July 9, 2007

Occupation Under Another Name

EU backs Palestinian peace force

"Ten European Union foreign ministers have signed an open letter to Tony Blair to urge him to study prospects for an international force to patrol the Palestinian territories, in his new role as Middle East envoy.

"Dear Tony," the letter began, signed by ministers from the EU's Mediterranean countries who met last week in Slovenia. The letter, published in Le Monde, was the brainchild of the French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner.

The ministers argued that it was time to move on from the "failed" road map, the internationally agreed blueprint for peace. They stressed that a "robust international force" should only be considered in the context of a future agreed peace plan, "without being a substitute for one"......

The letter also urged Mr Blair to push Israel for immediate measures to bolster Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas......"


"Palestinian peace force;" repeat after me:

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength!

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