Saturday, July 28, 2007

Palestinian faction threatens to kill PM Fayyad

"The Popular Resistance Committees, a Palestinian faction opposed to Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's government, has threatened to "physically hurt" Fayyad following reports that his government's platform does not include the Palestinians' right to resist Israel.

During a press conference in Gaza Saturday, the PRC's spokesman Abdel Al said that resistance to the occupation was a strategic choice that no one, regardless of his seniority, had the right to abolish.

Abdel Al defined Fayyad and his aides as "a bunch of traitors hiding at the Muqata'a in Ramallah," and said that they would be treated, and targeted by the Palestinian factions the same way the IDF forces were.

The spokesman also stated that his organization did not recognize Fayyad's government, which he accused of collaborating with Israel, and declared that the only legitimate government was Ismail Haniyeh's.

Abdel Al told Ynet that Fayyad has failed to draw lessons from the fates of those who had cooperated with Israel in the past. "I warn him and those like him that we will hurt them just like we hurt the soldiers of the occupation if they hold on to their treacherous, arrogant and alienating attitude toward the Palestinian people's rights." "

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